Join us for the annual Arm of Hope 5K and Chicken BBQ! To find out more

Thanksgiving…or not. How often do we claim to be thankful, and yet most of what comes out of our mouths is nothing but complaints. Winter is too cold…we say from the comfort of our year-round, climate-controlled homes with roofs that never leak. I hate my job…we say with the ability, training, and education to provide […]

The Arm of Hope third annual banquet took place on October 20, and it was truly an amazing night! Even though I knew exactly what was going to take place and what was going to be said, I found myself on the edge of my seat with eyes riveted to the stage. I was just […]

Sep 2018

God Answered!

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We are back!  Thank you to all of you who prayed faithfully for our team during our preparations, our travels, and our time at camp.  God truly answered, so I thought I’d update the prayer countdown for you to see just how He worked! 10…Thank you for praying for our team!  God brought together the […]

Last November, Brother Philip and I were extremely honored to be invited to share at Lancaster Mennonite School Hershey Campus.  We were invited at the initiative of our long-time supporter and friend of Arm of Hope, teacher Mrs. Cindy Kern.  Brother Philip was able to share his story of growing up in a village with […]

Nov 2017

A Banquet Celebration

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On October 28, Arm of Hope celebrated our second annual banquet.  This was an amazing time of worshipping God and praising Him for all He has done in and through the work in Ghana.  It was a time to thank our supporters for all they have done for the children sponsored by Arm of Hope […]

Dear Friends and Partners of Arm of Hope, I am writing today to tell you about an important event coming up soon and to give you a personal invitation!  On October 28, the second annual Arm of Hope banquet will be hosted at Hope Community Church, 1806 Harrisburg Avenue, Mount Joy. The banquet this year […]

Jun 2017

Busy, Busy, Busy!

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Time flies by and before I realize it, I haven’t updated on here in quite some time.  Oops!  Sorry about that.  But the real reason for this?  We’ve been doing more working than talking about it! Our Ghana team of 14 leaves for camp in less than two months.  When you join the team, you […]

Dec 2016

Merry Christmas from Brother Philip

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Dear Friends, Thank you for your faithful prayers and support! You have touched the lives of so many children and the people of Ghana by supporting us in ministry through your prayers and resources this year. I have recently been in the States, but I am grateful to have returned home to Ghana on November […]