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Our Mission

To stretch arms of compassion to children living in poverty in the slums of Ghana, providing them with the opportunity of education and introducing them to the love of Jesus, giving them real hope for their futures.

The need for education is great in Ghana, especially in the slums. Most parents are living in the slum community of Agbogbloshie and surrounding areas because they themselves are uneducated. In order for the children to attend school, parents must be able to purchase supplies and uniforms, as well as pay other school fees. The residents of Agbogbloshie are those who are unable to get an adequate job due to lack of education, those who have been displaced due to refugee status, and single mothers who are unable to solely provide for their children. These parents find it extremely difficult to provide for the basic needs of their children, which means they typically do not have the finances to send their kids to school.

Providing these children with the privilege of attending school gives them an opportunity to have a better and brighter future.



Our Vision

To see young people in slum communities discipled to love Jesus with all their hearts so they can rise up as leaders and disciple-makers who transform their community, their country, and their world.

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Our Story

In 2007 Philip Darko first entered the slum community of Agbogbloshie in Accra, Ghana, to complete an assignment for his social work degree. Seeing the extreme need and poverty there, Philip felt God calling him to minister to the children living in these desperate slum conditions. In response to this calling, Philip began meeting with the children in the community every Sunday for a Bible Club.

In 2011 God provided a partnership between Philip Darko and the people at Hope Community Church in Pennsylvania. Through this relationship, God answered Philip’s prayer of beginning to provide the children in the slum community with the opportunity of receiving an education. Members and friends of Hope Community Church sponsored 77 children to attend school that first year.

In 2012 Philip Darko named the Bible Club and education sponsorship ministry “Arm of Hope,” as he sensed a partnership forming, like an “arm” extending from Pennsylvania to Ghana. For the past five years, the people of Hope Community Church and the surrounding area have been effectively partnering with Ghanaian friends, under the leadership of Philip Darko, to change the lives of children in need and provide them with the eternal hope of Jesus Christ. In five year’s time the number of children sponsored has grown to 260, with one student currently in college and 30 attending high school.

In 2014 Arm of Hope held its first kids’ camp in Ghana to bring kids out of their desperate slum situation for two weeks in the summer. At camp, children learn about Jesus, play with their friends, and build relationships with Christ-followers from around the world. These camps have been times where many of the sponsored children have dedicated or rededicated their lives to Christ, as they see His love magnified in the lives of their camp leaders and as the Word of God penetrates their hearts.

In 2018 God provided another amazing partnership between the headmistress of the school in which Philip had been holding his Bible Club meetings and Arm of Hope. Through a mutual desire to educate children in the slum community and reach them for Christ, the leadership of the school agreed to allow Arm of Hope to build a second story on their existing school building right in the heart of the slum. This building was fully funded at our 2018 banquet and now provides Philip Darko and the leadership of Arm of Hope with a headquarters where regular meetings and one-on-one counseling can take place with the children of Arm of Hope. This new building also houses the first-ever computer lab and library in this community with opportunities for the children of Arm of Hope to learn and grow like never before.

In 2020 God grew the work of Arm of Hope by providing for us to hire six of our own graduates through Arm of Hope to work in our new building, as librarian, computer technicians, and security and building maintenance, as well as a new assistant social worker to come alongside of Philip Darko. New boards were formed in Ghana and in the US to provide better leadership and accountability for the growing ministry.

Arm of Hope grows by leaps and bounds this year as nearly 600 students receive an
education. Fifty students graduated from high school this year, 2 students graduated from trade school, and 8 students graduated from college! This includes a physician’s assistant and a nurse who will one day work in our new Arm of Hope Clinic. 2023 will bring the dream of an Arm of Hope Clinic to fruition, as funds have been quickly raised to complete the first and second floor.

In 2022 Arm of Hope hired a full-time accountant to manage the funds in Ghana.

The future of Arm of Hope is bright as we seek to provide more and more young people with the hope of Jesus Christ and the opportunity of education. Our desire is to see children raised up as strong, passionate, and effective leaders with the desire to impact their community, their country, and their world with the hope available to all of us in Jesus.

History Timeline

  • 2024

    The clinic building is complete and dedicated in July, and God provides all the funds needed in October to provide for the furnishings and start-up costs.

  • 2023

    In 2023 the Arm of Hope dream of breaking ground for our clinic became a reality, as we were able to purchase a plot of land right in the heart of the Arm of Hope community.

  • 2022

    Arm of Hope introduces the vision of an Arm of Hope Clinic at our annual picnic fundraiser on October 1, 2022.

  • 2022

    Arm of Hope is registered with the IRS as an official 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry.

  • 2021

    Arm of Hope begins the process of becoming an independent non-profit providing further opportunity for partnership and growth.

  • 2020

    Arm of Hope purchases a property in Ghana as a place to host camp. Work is started to prepare the land for future projects.

  • 2019

    Arm of Hope completes and dedicates the first Arm of Hope library, office space, and computer lab.

  • 2018

    Arm of Hope begins its first building project in the slum with funds raised at the third annual banquet.

  • 2016

    Arm of Hope hires its first administrative assistant, Marigold Cobbina, to support and assist our missionary partner, Philip Darko.

  • 2016

    Arm of Hope holds its first banquet, raising money to support children living in the slums of Ghana

  • 2016

    Arm of Hope moves to monthly sponsorships, providing children with more opportunities and more benefits. Arm of Hope asks God to provide for 260 children in the year 2016.

  • 2014

    Arm of Hope holds its first kids’ camp in Accra, Ghana, bringing the children out of the slum to learn about Jesus. Student sponsorship has grown to 190 elementary students and 17 high school students.

  • 2013

    Arm of Hope holds its first 5k at Hope Community Church to promote sponsorship and raise funds for the children living in the slum. The student sponsorship program now supports 169 elementary students and 8 high school students.

  • 2012

    Philip Darko named the Bible Club and education sponsorship ministry “Arm of Hope” as he sensed a partnership forming, like an “arm” extending from Pennsylvania to Ghana. The number of children sponsored has now grown to 141 students.

  • 2011

    Hope Community Church in Mt. Joy, PA partners with Philip Darko to sponsor the education of children in the slum. Funds are raised to support 77 students for the first year.

  • 2007

    Philip Darko enters the slum for the first time to take a census as part of the social work degree he is completing. God speaks to him on that first visit, calling him to work in the slum. Philip starts a Bible Club to minister to children.

Statement of Faith

We believe in one God, Creator of everything, perfect, holy, and righteous in every way, and eternally existing in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

We believe the entire Bible is inspired by God, without error, and the ultimate authority by which we should live.

We believe man is sinful, and our sin has separated us from God. Only by faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus can we be reconciled to God, forgiven of our sins, and have the hope of eternal life.

We believe God has commanded us to love Him and live for Him by serving and loving others and by fulfilling Christ’s commission to make disciples of Jesus everywhere we go.

Leadership and Oversight

Arm of Hope is a 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry which operates under the direction of the US Arm of Hope board and US director, Cheryl Zimmerman, as well as the Ghana Arm of Hope board and Ghana director, Philip Darko.

Please see our Contact Us page for details.

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