Join us for the annual Arm of Hope 5K and Chicken BBQ! To find out more

Thanksgiving…or not. How often do we claim to be thankful, and yet most of what comes out of our mouths is nothing but complaints. Winter is too cold…we say from the comfort of our year-round, climate-controlled homes with roofs that never leak. I hate my job…we say with the ability, training, and education to provide […]

Sacrifice…surrender, selflessness, pain. Praise…joy, thankfulness, celebration. A SACRIFICE OF PRAISE. Life in a slum community where there’s never enough food, space, privacy, beds, or water and always too much pain, brokenness, abuse, and crime.  But there is a light in the form of a new building that brings hope to the hopeless.  A SACRIFICE OF […]

When I think about God doing the impossible, I think of those big kind of moments in the Bible – like Jesus healing someone in an instant, or turning water into wine.  When I think about miracles today, I realize that these quick, instantaneous ones still happen, but there’s another kind too.  The slow, gradual, […]

Encouraging words.  They go a long way, don’t they?  Sometimes a few, small, sincere words of encouragement can get me through an entire week.  Life is often hard, but encouragement lifts the weight of struggle. This past Sunday at Hope Community Church in Elizabethtown, our church family did a different kind of “church”.  To me […]