Join us for the annual Arm of Hope 5K and Chicken BBQ! To find out more
Jul 2018


Posted in Prayer Requests and tagged:

8. eight. EIGHT! Only 8 days till we leave for Ghana! Today would you pray for our “stuff”?  I’m really not a stuff person at all, unless that stuff has a purpose, and in this case, that is exactly the situation! It looks like we are taking a lot, but really we have streamlined it […]

Jul 2018


Posted in Prayer Requests and tagged: ,

9. nine. NINE! Nine days till lift off!  I can’t even believe it! The excitement is running high, for sure! Today will you pray for our teachers? They are:  Tim Ainsley, Denise Grove, Joe Stecz, Nancy Mehesy, and Mary Beth Will. Teaching in Ghana is the core of camp.  Each year we surround our Biblical […]

Jul 2018

Camp Countdown…10…

Posted in Prayer Requests and tagged:

10. ten. TEN! I can’t believe we leave for Ghana in just 10 days!  Will you pray for us? Preparing for a team of 15 people to hold a camp for 450 children is a sometimes overwhelming task, but we know that with God all things are possible, and we are confident that He is […]

Jul 2018

Moving Mountains…Quite Literally!

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Mountain moving. I remember the most beautiful mountains I ever saw.  It was 14 years ago in Alaska on a mission trip Mike and I took with Light Shine Ministries.  They were majestic.  They were awe inspiring.  They weren’t going anywhere. I’ve been singing this Elevation song to myself over and over recently.   “I […]

Jun 2018

Prayers Appreciated

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Here we are!  The Ghana camp 2018 team!  Will you please pray for us? Every year I ask God to put together the perfect team that He desires to carry out the camp in Ghana, and every year He surprises me with good gifts!  It’s always a time of uncertainty as people say they are […]

May 2018

Rainy Race, Fabulous Fun

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Last Saturday, the day of our 5th annual 5k race, I awoke at 5 a.m. to the beeping of my alarm.  It was dark.  The rain was pouring down outside.  It was cold.  I admit that the temptation to pull the covers up a little higher was definitely on my radar. “So disappointing,” I thought, […]

Last November, Brother Philip and I were extremely honored to be invited to share at Lancaster Mennonite School Hershey Campus.  We were invited at the initiative of our long-time supporter and friend of Arm of Hope, teacher Mrs. Cindy Kern.  Brother Philip was able to share his story of growing up in a village with […]

Five! It’s amazing to think that we are returning to Ghana for our fifth year of camp! Once again, God has answered our prayers and provided an amazing team of people with a plethora of gifts, abilities, talents, and interests.  These diversities will help to make our camp a colorful and exciting place, as we […]

When I think about God doing the impossible, I think of those big kind of moments in the Bible – like Jesus healing someone in an instant, or turning water into wine.  When I think about miracles today, I realize that these quick, instantaneous ones still happen, but there’s another kind too.  The slow, gradual, […]

Aug 2017

Campfire Extravaganza!

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Every year at camp we try to balance a repetition of traditions that we look forward to each year and a mix of new and exciting things for the kids to enjoy. This year we brought the S’MORE to Ghana with a CAMPFIRE EXTRAVAGANZA on our last night!  We did a brief explanation on how […]