Join us for the annual Arm of Hope 5K and Chicken BBQ! To find out more
May 2016

A Shirt with Your Name on It!

Posted in News and tagged: ,

I’ve got a shirt with your name on it, at least it can be yours if you sign up for the Arm of Hope 5k by this Sunday, May 8.  This year’s shirt is a beautiful, sky blue – the color the horizon will be when you leave the starting line and run the race […]

Apr 2016

The 5k Countdown

Posted in Uncategorized and tagged: ,

It’s that time of year again, and plans for the Arm of Hope third annual 5k race are well underway! No matter what your age, you are welcome! We’ve had people under 5 and over 70 join us in the past. It is a very family-friendly event. Competitive runners and casual walkers are all welcome! […]