Join us for the annual Arm of Hope 5K and Chicken BBQ! To find out more

Sacrifice…surrender, selflessness, pain. Praise…joy, thankfulness, celebration. A SACRIFICE OF PRAISE. Life in a slum community where there’s never enough food, space, privacy, beds, or water and always too much pain, brokenness, abuse, and crime.  But there is a light in the form of a new building that brings hope to the hopeless.  A SACRIFICE OF […]

Jul 2019

Lift Off!

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This morning we head out at 5 a.m. for JFK in New York City.  24 hours later, we will be in Ghana for our much-anticipated camp of 2019. Please pray for us today as we travel.  Pray that we make our connecting flight (with only a 50 minute layover).  Pray that we will be filled […]

You may have heard the big news, and it really is BIG!  After 7 years of watching God do amazing things in Ghana, He is providing a place for us – a real Arm of Hope place for us.  It’s been part of our dreams and vision for Arm of Hope since day 1! You […]

Aug 2017


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(This blog update is from Sherrie Ainsley, a third-time camp team member and part of the Arm of Hope leadership team.) Wow! What an amazing first week of camp! Since our first-time team members have shared about Ghana and camp from their “fresh” perspective, I decided I might as well share what has stood out […]

Last Saturday was the Arm of Hope Christmas party in Ghana.  This is the time each year that the sponsored children and others who regularly attend Bible Club look forward to for months in advance.  Besides the camp in August, this is the one time a year that many of the children get to leave […]

Dec 2016

Merry Christmas from Brother Philip

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Dear Friends, Thank you for your faithful prayers and support! You have touched the lives of so many children and the people of Ghana by supporting us in ministry through your prayers and resources this year. I have recently been in the States, but I am grateful to have returned home to Ghana on November […]

Six weeks ago, Arm of Hope held what we hope to be our first annual banquet.  It was a great night of food, fun, testimonies, worship, and a message from our missionary partner and director of Arm of Hope, Philip Darko. Since that night many of you have encouraged us by letting us know how […]

Nov 2016

A Glimpse of the Vision

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Our Vision: To see young people in slum communities discipled to love Jesus with all their hearts so they can rise up as leaders and disciple-makers who transform their community, their country, and their world. This is the vision of Arm of Hope, and this week I got a glimpse of it coming to pass. […]

Apr 2016

The 5k Countdown

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It’s that time of year again, and plans for the Arm of Hope third annual 5k race are well underway! No matter what your age, you are welcome! We’ve had people under 5 and over 70 join us in the past. It is a very family-friendly event. Competitive runners and casual walkers are all welcome! […]

A new year of camp is upon us.  A new team has been formed.  A new excitement is in the air. Moving forward we trust God to show us what to do, to provide the means to do it, and to get us out of the way so He can truly be glorified. As I […]