Join us for the annual Arm of Hope 5K and Chicken BBQ! To find out more

Dear Friends, Throughout this interesting year, I’ve been reading the Old Testament, and over and over again I have been reminded of how God defends the orphans, the widows, and those in need, and how He calls us to be just like Him!  Seeing this repeatedly played out in Scripture reminds me that Arm of […]

Our annual Arm of Hope Christmas party took place the day after Christmas with 525 children riding to the venue on 4 buses.  Yes, that’s correct.  Do the math, and be impressed!  Coordinating an event of this size takes a lot of planning and organization, but it was pulled off beautifully thanks to our amazing […]

Remember our banquet last October? And remember how we asked you to partner with us to build the first-ever Arm of Hope building? And remember how we got a matching grant? And remember how God provided abundantly? (*Arm of Hope banquet in 2018) Well, in 2 1/2 weeks I will be IN GHANA, and I […]

I wanted to give you, our loyal supporters, an update on the building God is providing for Arm of Hope in the slum community.  Many of you have invested in this building by generously partnering with the ministry in Ghana at our 2018 Arm of Hope banquet.  We want you to know that your resources […]

I hope you are all enjoying a wonderful, Christmas celebration with your family this week!  If you are a sponsor of an Arm of Hope child, I want you to know that your sponsorship money made it possible for your child to celebrate Christmas as well!  Dressed in their Christmas best, this day is the […]

The Arm of Hope third annual appreciation banquet and fundraiser is coming up in just one month!  We are so excited to share this time of food, fun, and stories with you!  Our ultimate goal is to make much of God and all He is doing in Ghana!  If you would like a free ticket […]

It’s been a bit quiet on the blog front since Christmas.  This time of year in Ghana is full of regular days – just like it is for us here.  Children are going to school.  Sponsors are faithfully supporting.  Brother Philip and Sister Marigold are working diligently to disciple and lead the young students of […]

Merry Christmas to you from all of your friends in Ghana, West Africa!  Last week was the annual Christmas party and many of the Arm of Hope sponsored kids were in attendance. There were 382 children from the slum community at the party arriving on four buses. If you look closely, you may just see […]

I’d like to post a disclaimer about this post right up front. It’s probably going to feel uncomfortable to you.  You will probably start having that feeling of defensiveness about half way through. I feel a little bit insecure about writing any of it, but not enough to stop. I had that uncomfortable feeling today […]

Jun 2016

Our Problems, Their Dreams

Posted in News, Slum Ministry and tagged: ,

Our Problems. Their Dreams. It has occurred to me that my problems are other people’s dreams. When my car breaks down and my family is very inconveniently down to one vehicle, I remember that many families will never own a car. Ever. When I have to wait longer than I like at a restaurant, and […]