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Aug 2021

August Newsletter

Posted in News, School Sponsorships and tagged: ,

Dear Partners and Friends of Arm of Hope, I am sitting here with a thankful heart for all the ways God has provided for Arm of Hope this year and then I smile thinking of YOU!  God is using YOU to change lives in Ghana.  Through education and His love, children are growing in their […]

Happy Spring to you from Arm of Hope! Here are some exciting updates! THE MEDICAL CLINIC Im excited to tell you that God has provided above and beyond what is needed for the land we purchased for the medical clinic in Ghana!  Thank you to all of you who gave so generously! PRAISE GOD for […]

Looking. Seeing. Recently the difference between these two ideas that seem so similar, hit me hard. Last weekend as I prepared for the Hope Overflows event where our church would participate in writing letters to children in Ghana who need sponsors, I had a very meaningful conversation. You see, usually when I display pictures of […]

I’d like to post a disclaimer about this post right up front. It’s probably going to feel uncomfortable to you.  You will probably start having that feeling of defensiveness about half way through. I feel a little bit insecure about writing any of it, but not enough to stop. I had that uncomfortable feeling today […]

  37 days. Wow! That’s how long it will be until this team departs for Ghana and our third annual camp with the Arm of Hope kids!  We are gathering supplies, planning lessons, finishing up our fundraising, and getting things in order.  It is an exciting, exhausting, exhilarating, privilege to go to Ghana and work […]

Opportunity: The chance to go for your dreams. The moment you realize you can reach your goals. The open door waiting for you to walk through it. Opportunity abounds here in America. But opportunity is not a fair commodity. So how do we reconcile the fact that our opportunities are not reality for much of […]