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Jul 2018


Posted in Prayer Requests and tagged:

8. eight. EIGHT! Only 8 days till we leave for Ghana! Today would you pray for our “stuff”?  I’m really not a stuff person at all, unless that stuff has a purpose, and in this case, that is exactly the situation! It looks like we are taking a lot, but really we have streamlined it […]

Jul 2018


Posted in Prayer Requests and tagged: ,

9. nine. NINE! Nine days till lift off!  I can’t even believe it! The excitement is running high, for sure! Today will you pray for our teachers? They are:  Tim Ainsley, Denise Grove, Joe Stecz, Nancy Mehesy, and Mary Beth Will. Teaching in Ghana is the core of camp.  Each year we surround our Biblical […]

Jul 2018

Camp Countdown…10…

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10. ten. TEN! I can’t believe we leave for Ghana in just 10 days!  Will you pray for us? Preparing for a team of 15 people to hold a camp for 450 children is a sometimes overwhelming task, but we know that with God all things are possible, and we are confident that He is […]

Jun 2018

Prayers Appreciated

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Here we are!  The Ghana camp 2018 team!  Will you please pray for us? Every year I ask God to put together the perfect team that He desires to carry out the camp in Ghana, and every year He surprises me with good gifts!  It’s always a time of uncertainty as people say they are […]

Five! It’s amazing to think that we are returning to Ghana for our fifth year of camp! Once again, God has answered our prayers and provided an amazing team of people with a plethora of gifts, abilities, talents, and interests.  These diversities will help to make our camp a colorful and exciting place, as we […]

Jul 2017

Blast Off! Ghana Here We Come!

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Today is the day!  At 8 a.m. this morning our team of 14 will be meeting to pack our carry on luggage in with the 28 tubs containing everything we need for camp. We will drive to JFK airport in New York City, check in previously mentioned tubs, go through security, and wait in anticipation […]

Jul 2017

Countdown: 1…

Posted in Prayer Requests and tagged: ,

1! One day till take off!  Thanks for continuing to pray for us. Just a short prayer request today because, well, I have a “few” things to do! Today would you please pray for the children who are coming to camp?  We will be serving over 400 children this year and they will be coming […]

Jul 2017

Countdown: 2…

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2. Two. 2!  I can’t believe we leave in 2 days.  The very last camp supplies are being packed even as we speak.  The last minute shopping has been done.  Gifts and letters for sponsored children have been received.  Now all we have to do is…LEAVE!  Yay! Today I’d like to share the third purpose […]

Jul 2017

Countdown: 3…

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Three. 3!!! After months of preparation, it’s almost impossible to believe that we leave in three days.  It’s like a dream…a very good dream, of course! Today I have the most important prayer request of all.  Our main purpose while in Ghana is to share the Gospel with the children at camp.  The older I […]

Jul 2017

Countdown: 5, 4…

Posted in Prayer Requests and tagged: ,

Five! Yesterday our team was commissioned at Hope Community Church and then we had our final, family picnic before we leave.  Wow!  The days are flying by! Four! As we prepare to leave, it usually becomes very evident that we have an enemy that does not want us to go and share Jesus with others. […]