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Jul 2019


Posted in Prayer Requests and tagged: ,

Thank you so much for all of your prayers and responses yesterday for our team.  It is so encouraging to know you are behind us as we get ready to fly to Ghana!  It takes a huge team to make a camp like this happen, and our supporters from home are an important part of […]

10 days from right this minute, our 2019 Ghana camp team will be sitting in the JFK airport ready for liftoff.  It’s hard to believe that the day we have been anticipating for so long is almost here.  Over the next 10 days, I will be posting prayer requests for our trip.  Will you please […]

Jul 2018

Today We Fly!

Posted in Prayer Requests and tagged:

Today is the day we fly! (But actually, we didn’t fly yet, so these are pics from last year!) Thank you for praying for us over the past 10 days.  Your prayers and support are the only way a huge undertaking like this camp is ever even possible.  If you could continue to pray for […]

Jul 2018


Posted in Prayer Requests and tagged:

One… ONE DAY! Today would you please pray for Brother Philip’s assistant, Marigold?  If you were at our first banquet in October of 2016, you remember that we presented the vision of hiring a young lady to work with our sponsored girls and be a helper to Brother Philip.  God answered that prayer through the […]

Jul 2018


Posted in Prayer Requests and tagged:

Two! 2! Today would you please pray for our teen helpers in Ghana?  This is our eighth year of sponsorship through Arm of Hope.  This means that many of our students who were quite small when we began are now quite grown up.  When teens reach the age of 18, they are no longer able […]

Jul 2018


Posted in Prayer Requests and tagged:

Three! Oh my word.  Today I’m going to be selfish and say, “Will you please pray for our team again?”  We are moms and dads and business owners and employees and students preparing for college –  normal, busy people like you.  We are trying to finish up our work and prepare our homes and find […]

Jul 2018


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Today will you pray for the health of our team?  Ghana is a wonderful, safe place to visit, and we are so well taken care of while we are there, but sometimes the food or environment effects a team member adversely and causes them to be sick. Sickness is so disappointing (not to mention uncomfortable), […]

Jul 2018


Posted in Prayer Requests and tagged: ,

It’s still day 5, right?  Barely, but I’m getting it in there… Five days until Ghana! Today, would you pray for our Ghanaian ministry partners?  Pulling off a camp for 450 kids takes a lot of hands and a lot of effort.  Our team is responsible for raising funds, planning out the schedule, and purchasing […]

Jul 2018


Posted in Prayer Requests and tagged:

6! Six days…and that’s less than a week!  Ahhhh! Today will you pray for our campers?  We plan to have between 400 and 450 campers over our two weeks of camp. The first week we will have campers who are up to age 12.  The second week will be for teens!  Campers earn a camp […]

Jul 2018


Posted in Prayer Requests and tagged: ,

Seven! In one week from this very moment, we will be en route to Casablanca and then on to Accra!  Unbelievable! Today would you please pray for our ministry partners Philip and Hannah Darko?  Brother Philip gives leadership to Arm of Hope in Ghana, as well as doing many other tasks for the ministry of […]