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Feb 2020

February Newsletter

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Dear Friends and Supporters, Thank you for continuing to love and give to the work of Arm of Hope in Ghana.  The second semester of school is underway, and our students have returned to their studies.  The reality of over 400 children being educated today because of you is mind blowing and touching.  When you […]

Our annual Arm of Hope Christmas party took place the day after Christmas with 525 children riding to the venue on 4 buses.  Yes, that’s correct.  Do the math, and be impressed!  Coordinating an event of this size takes a lot of planning and organization, but it was pulled off beautifully thanks to our amazing […]

Jan 2020

January Newsletter

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Dear Partners, Supporters, and Friends, Happy New Year!  It’s that wonderful, fresh-start, time of the year when we look back with gratefulness on the past year and all that God has done, and we look forward to the new year with anticipation of what He will continue to do. As we look back, we are […]

Dec 2019

December Newsletter

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Dear Partners and Friends, God is so good, and we are so thankful for the ways He is working in and through the children of Arm of Hope. As we look forward to the new year, we are doing so with eyes wide open in anticipation of all He has planned. Over the past few […]

Sep 2019

September Newsletter

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A Glimpse into the Amazing Things God is Doing in Ghana! Our 6th Annual Arm of Hope Camp… As you may have heard, camp got off to a bit of a rough start with a last minute need to change location. As we prayed, we placed our trust in God, asking Him to take care […]

Aug 2019

World Changers

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“To see young people living in slum communities discipled to love Jesus with all of their hearts, so they can rise up as leaders and disciple-makers who transform their community, their country, and their world.” The vision of Arm of Hope. It’s happening. Today. This is our 6th year of camp. Each year carries a […]

Yesterday was a big day here in Ghana.  After the team had our breakfast and devotional time, we got all dressed up in our Ghanaian prints and boarded the bus for the Bible club community. One year ago while visiting Ghana, Brother Philip introduced me to Madam Paulina at her private school we are using […]

So what does a day at camp look like?  We have the same structure every year so the campers and leaders know what to expect, but of course, we throw in a few surprises and new things just for fun. In the morning, we all have breakfast and then move into the assembly hall for […]

Jul 2019

Sand, Sea, and Pure Joy!

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Camp is in full swing with the beginning of the third day coming right up in just  a couple of hours.  We have a new location this year which has brought about some adaptations, but has also brought some added blessings. One of these blessings is the opportunity to take our campers to the beach! […]

Remember our banquet last October? And remember how we asked you to partner with us to build the first-ever Arm of Hope building? And remember how we got a matching grant? And remember how God provided abundantly? (*Arm of Hope banquet in 2018) Well, in 2 1/2 weeks I will be IN GHANA, and I […]