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Dec 2021

November Newsletter

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Dear Friends and Supporters of Arm of Hope,

We have exciting news! Our Ghana 2020 camp team has airline tickets in hand, and we will be traveling to Ghana for our seventh annual camp on December 26 and returning on January 9! It has been a challenging year, but there are fifteen brave and resilient people who are willing to jump through the necessary hoops to be a part of this exciting experience. I think camp will hold double the joy this year, as our students have had to wait so long for it to take place!
Here are a few important prayer requests for our trip:
-Pray for our visas to all go through the process and be returned to us in a timely way.
-Pray that the rapid test for Covid will become available before our trip.
-Pray for health for our team, so that no one has to stay behind due to a positive test.
-Pray that our team will be able to come together in unity to serve selflessly.
-Pray that God will prepare our hearts to love like Jesus.
Since our camp will be happening over the Christmas holiday, one of our dreams is to have a Christmas card and gift for each child. This is a big task, because we will be celebrating with over 400 children. If you would like to be a part of bringing Christmas joy to our camp by writing cards and buying small gifts for one, two, ten, or fifty children, please email me at for more details.
We are thankful for all God has done through our annual fundraiser banquet this year in the form of a parking lot picnic! Brother Philip Darko, our missionary partner, was able to spend four weeks with us, and God provided lots of opportunities to meet with groups and individuals to share the incredible things God is doing through the ministry of Arm of Hope.

If you were not able to attend our picnic but would still like to partner with Arm of Hope over the next year, you can continue to give into our Development Fund at All of these gifts will go toward paying our staff and keeping our utilities running in the year 2021. Thanks in advance for your incredible support!  
Arm of Hope is also looking for churches, businesses, and individuals who would like to become monthly supporters of our Development Fund. By beginning to cover these monthly expenses with regular giving, we will be able to free up money from fundraisers like the picnic to put toward the future dreams of Arm of Hope. As we vision cast about our new camp property, a possible medical clinic in the slum, and small business loans, we know God will provide when His timing is just right! If you would like to share the blessings God has given you in this way, please contact us for more information!
School is delayed this year in Ghana due to Covid, so our high school students are only now beginning the new year, and elementary and junior high students will more than likely follow in January. Due to these delays, there is a delay in getting your sponsorship photos to you. We are still waiting for all of the students to return to the community, as many have traveled away during the quarantine period. Because of this, we will be waiting to send out updated sponsorship information until after our trip. That way we can get you awesome pictures of your student at camp along with complete information about all of your sponsored children. Thanks for your understanding and patience!
So in conclusion, please, please pray for our camp team! Message me if you would like to play Santa for our Ghana trip, and if you’re feeling called to share your blessings with Arm of Hope, you can do so at We are so grateful for your continued love and support!

It is an honor to serve with you!

Cheryl Zimmerman (US Director of Arm of Hope)

Cheryl Zimmerman

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