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Enjoy this special update from our missionary partner and Ghana director, Philip Darko!

Dear Friends of Arm of Hope,

We are in extraordinary times, and Ecclesiastes 3 reminds us that seasons come and seasons go. A portion in Ecclesiastes states that there is “a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing.” Interestingly, times and seasons will keep changing, but the fact is that God is always with us. The life of God within us is timeless and limitless, and He manifests Himself to us, our children, and our children’s children. He is always ready to embrace us no matter the situation!

Thank you for supporting Arm of Hope so we can meet the needs of those we serve here in Ghana, West Africa. Your continued support and prayers are well appreciated. I really understand that during this crisis many of us are stressed and tired, not knowing what to do. My prayer is that each and every one reading this will be safe and not lose heart. This too shall pass.

On March 12, 2020 the first two cases of COVID-19 were reported in Ghana and were followed three days later with the directive on the indefinite closure of universities, schools, churches, mosques, and a ban on all public gatherings. It was unexpected and had great effects on ministry activities and plans. Though the lockdown was lifted after a month, other restrictions remain in place.

Despite all the challenges and disappointments of the year 2020 for ministry plans, especially for myself and my Arm of Hope kids, there was light at the end of the tunnel. We were able to still continue with ministry by providing support when necessary on an individual basis during the lockdown. Something phenomenal happened which we never did before, and that was my highlight for the year. Seven hundred children enjoyed a buffet feast on the roof top of our Arm of Hope building. Children were separated into groups and given their turn at joining in the feast. This was a special day for these precious ones we serve.

Three hundred ninety children were registered through Arm of Hope for the new school year and have been supplied with uniforms and books, but then the school year was delayed. Some children travelled away from the Arm of Hope community when the announcement came for the closure of schools and have now returned, with the exception of a few. This delayed our new school photos and information about your sponsored children. Diana, our social worker assistant, and I are working so hard to finish with the updates. We appreciate your patience so much. I believe you would all agree with me that we are not in normal times.

This number registered for the Arm of Hope school year excludes our thirty-five college students and our four students learning trades. We had fifteen new college students who began studies this year and that adds up to the total of thirty-five students now in college. It is also worth mentioning that one of our nursing students, Wisdom, graduated and passed his certification exams. Arm of Hope now has three students who have graduated from tertiary institutions.

Even during this difficult year, the much anticipated camp took place after Christmas. We recorded the biggest camp ever, with five hundred two campers over the two weeks, forty-six Arm of Hope college students and high school graduates who were serving as leaders, and eighteen additional kitchen workers and health workers from the local community. It was amazing to see everyone coming together and allowing Christ to work through them! I am so grateful to our courageous team from the US who spent two weeks doing Bible lessons, games, worship, crafts, and small group activities.

I believe this update would not be complete without mentioning the “COVID” baby girls God blessed the Darko family with during the lock down. Josie and Jozefa will be ten months old this month. Their first birthday will be on April 12. Thank you for your continued prayers and support of the Darko family through all these years.

In the midst of the crises, there are also opportunities to expand and continue in ministry. A 14.6 acre piece of land has been acquired for our future Arm of Hope camp and training center. We are making good progress with the land title registration and documentation.

There is an opportunity to purchase land in the Arm of Hope community to build a clinic, which will serve our children and the community. This will also serve as an employment opportunity for our medical and nursing students after graduation. This fits into our goal as an organization of making disciples. We are still trusting the Lord to provide the funds to purchase this land. The Lord is leading us to the space which is for sale now, but we don’t have the resources to go forward. We are trusting the Lord that if it is His will, we shall have that small parcel of land for Arm of Hope.

On a daily basis, we receive numerous visits and calls asking for assistance. Some need medical help or food, as well as a host of other needs. There are many challenges that Arm of Hope faces in 2021, including the need for more sponsors for students who are still waiting.

Thank you for supporting the Arm of Hope Development Fund so we can meet the needs of those who cross our path each day, as well as purchasing the land we are looking to acquire. Thank you for your encouragement and support for the ministry of Arm of Hope.

Blessings and Shalom,

Philip Darko
Ghana Director of Arm of Hope

Cheryl Zimmerman

Comments (1)

  1. Pastor Ashley

    The Lord will see you all through… it is well

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