Dear Partners of Arm of Hope,
I am so excited to share with all of you the amazing things God is doing in Ghana. It’s hard to believe that just a few weeks ago, our team of 15 people was there in person, interacting with your sponsored children and seeing God at work in powerful ways. This was my tenth trip to Ghana, and I can honestly say that every year I see our students growing and maturing. I was overwhelmed by the 46 student leaders (Arm of Hope high school graduates and college students) who make camp a reality. With a record number of campers, our team came alongside of these student leaders to encourage, support, and help, but honestly, they made it happen. From serving meals, to organizing sleeping arrangements, to running games and crafts and even teaching, I saw God at work in these young people in mighty ways. I have seen most of them grow up with Arm of Hope and I remember when some of them were just eight years old, so to see them following Christ and leading by example is so rewarding.

I could honestly go on for hours telling you about all the incredible things God has done at this year’s camp, but I’m going to save that for Saturday, February 6 at Hope Community Church at 7 p.m. Our team will be serving you dessert and sharing incredible stories of how God is working through Arm of Hope. This is the camp year that almost didn’t happen and wouldn’t have happened except for the miraculous hand of God. We give him all the glory and want to celebrate the good things He has done with you, so please show up on February 6!

In other news, school is finally starting in Ghana. Classes have been online or on hold since March of last year, but this week students are back in the classrooms. We pray COVID cases will stay away so classes can continue. I am very pleased to announce that Arm of Hope has 15 new students who have been accepted into college! This is much more than we originally planned on, but we know God will provide! If you would like to sponsor a student to go to college, please contact me at The cost to sponsor a college student is $130 a month – a large commitment, but a small amount compared to college here in the US! Thanks for considering being a part of this immediate need.

As of January 1, 2021, Arm of Hope is operating as an independent 501(c)3 non-profit organization. We are still working to switch everything away from Hope Community Church, but we hope to have it all completed within the next week or so. Arm of Hope will be using the same giving system as the church, so if you are giving automatically, you do not need to change your account in any way. You can still give at at any time, and our monthly giving will continue. The only difference is that you will be receiving a receipt from Arm of Hope instead of Hope Church. If you write checks, from now on please write them to Arm of Hope and send them to 1708 Ridge Road, Elizabethtown, PA 17022.

Prayer Requests…
*Pray for Brother Philip, our social worker assistant Diana, and the rest of the Arm of Hope staff as they prepare students to reenter school.
Pray for health for our students as they return to school.
Pray that the campers will remember all the lessons they learned about wisdom and apply them to their lives.
Pray that God will provide for our 15 new college students.
Pray for our US leadership as we sort through all the details of beginning our new journey independent of Hope Church.
Praise God for all the lives that have been committed and recommitted to Christ at this year’s camp.
Email Cheryl Zimmerman (US Director):
Email Philip Darko (Ghana Director):
Our Website:
Our Mailing Address: 1708 Ridge Road, Elizabethtown, PA 17022