Dear Friends of Arm of Hope
It’s hard to believe Christmas is just around the corner, and the end of the year is almost here. As I look back, I am amazed at all the ways God has provided for us. The world may have ground to a halt, but God is just a busy as ever. Thank you for being a part of His work this year through Arm of Hope.
With the end of the year, comes our second attempt to take a trip to Ghana for our annual camp. It has been, and still is, a journey of complete trust and faith. We know people are looking at us like we’re crazy (and very possibly we are), but we know God has called us to take risks and work hard to serve Him even in the midst of the crazy.

With that being said, our camp team of 15 has tickets, insurance, and visas in hand! We plan to fly on December 26 and return on January 9. The only unknown at this point is how to obtain our COVID tests in a timely way, since Christmas is the day before we leave and that could cause delays. Please pray with us that God will make a way for us to all fly together on the 26th with negative COVID tests in hand. We know God is not surprised by any of the road blocks of this year, and we are trusting Him to make a way! If you want to follow our trip, find us at “Arm of Hope” on facebook or “armofhopeinghana” on Instagram.
No matter what happens with our team, camp will go on in Ghana! All of our camp supplies arrived in Ghana a few weeks ago, and all of our plans are in place for a fantastic year learning about God’s wisdom through the book of Proverbs. Please pray for our campers, our leaders, and for us as we get our hearts ready to be impacted by what God wants to do at this year’s camp. Pray especially for Brother Philip Darko, our missionary partner, as he works hard to prepare everything needed at our camp facility.

Our goal this year is to send a gift for every child at camp since it is, after all, Christmas! Please consider putting together a small gift and a Christmas card for your sponsored child. I can’t even begin to describe to you the looks on their face when they realize someone has remembered them and thought of them. Your relationship with them is priceless! If you would like to send some extra gifts and cards for additional children who do not yet have sponsors, please contact us for more information at

On December 14, we will be holding our annual Christmas cookie bake. There are 2 dozen assorted cookies in each tray, and cookie trays may be purchased for a generous donation of any amount to Arm of Hope. All proceeds go toward camp scholarships for the 2021 camp. (I can’t believe we are talking about this when we haven’t even had 2020 camp!) To place your orders, please contact us at

As the year comes to a close, we are so incredibly thankful to God for all He continues to do through the work of Arm of Hope. We are also thankful for how God is beginning to provide for our monthly expenses of salaries and building utilities in Ghana through regular gifts to the Development Fund. If you feel God has personally blessed you or your business, and you would like to become a monthly supporter of the Development Fund, please contact us for more information.
Grateful for Your Prayers!
Cheryl Zimmerman, Arm of Hope Director