Hello Arm of Hope Partners and Friends,
What a year it is! And yet, it is such a comfort to know that God is in control! I have such peace and joy knowing I can trust Him no matter what comes my way! This, of course, includes the change of plans for our Ghana team. This past weekend, we should have been returning from our annual camp with our team of 19 people tired and happy and full of stories and memories of all the good things we saw God do. Instead, we found ourselves at home – faithfully serving just where we are. We have to admit, that it wasn’t quite as exciting as traveling, even though we know it was just as important!
Borders remain closed in Ghana, and travel to Ghana continues to be uncertain. However, the seventh annual Ghana camp will go on! Our team here is working together to send all of the supplies and plans to Ghana, so that our incredible team there can carry out camp – with or without us. Over the past 10 years, I have watched the little ones of Arm of Hope grow up into capable, godly, hardworking leaders. Our December camp will be their moment to shine, as they will be put in charge of leading the events of the camp. I have to smile at this turn of events, as it fits perfectly with our vision for Arm of Hope:
To see young people living in slum communities
discipled to love Jesus with all their hearts,
so they can rise up as leaders and disciple makers
who transform their community, their country, and their world.
So even though our team is disappointed, we know this work is not about us! We are so thankful that God is accomplishing His purposes no matter what we face in this world. If the doors open for us to go in December, we will go and serve in a supporting role of encouragement to our Arm of Hope leaders. If doors remain closed, we will pray for our friends in Ghana, and we know God will help them to make this the best camp year yet!

Even though this has been a year of unknowns, it’s incredible to see how God continues to provide for his work in Ghana. He has provided for the camp, He has blessed our fundraisers, and we know He will continue to do what He has started.
Every fall we hold our Arm of Hope banquet. It is our biggest fundraiser of the year, and it is essential, as it provides for the ongoing expenses of the ministry. Now that Arm of Hope has six full time employees and a building to maintain, this banquet is more necessary than ever. With the current restrictions in place and peoples’ varying levels of comfort concerning them, we have decided to hold a Parking Lot Picnic in place of our normal indoor banquet. We have moved the date up to Saturday, October 3, so we can enjoy our picnic before the weather turns cold. A delicious dinner will be served to your car for take out or to enjoy picnic style. Please bring chairs and friends with which to share your picnic!
There are several ways you can support the Parking Lot Picnic. First, get your free tickets by emailing us at armofhopeinghana@gmail.com. Second, come out and enjoy the picnic, and bring a few friends along to learn about the incredible things God is doing in Ghana. Third, consider having your business or a business you know support the cost of the night by giving $200 to advertise on 4 parking spaces. This is in lieu of our usual table sponsorship.
Parking Lot Picnic Menu
Dinner Roll, Barbecue Chicken, Macaroni and Cheese,
Bacon Baked Beans, Autumn Apple Salad,
Whoopie Pie, Drinks
Though our plans have changed, we are not in despair. Instead, we are looking toward the future and the good things God has in store for Arm of Hope. We are following Him one step at at time and trusting Him to show us the path He has for us.
Cheryl Zimmerman (Arm of Hope US Director)