Join us for the annual Arm of Hope 5K and Chicken BBQ! To find out more

Dear Friends and Supporters,

We hope you and your family are doing well in spite of the circumstances we are all facing around the globe.  We are thankful for God’s safety and protection over us and over our friends in Ghana as well.  As precautions continue to take place against the virus in Ghana, our Arm of Hope students remain at home.  Many of them are in communication with us regularly, and we are assured that they are all well, and the virus has not come to their community.  Please pray God’s continued protection over the children sponsored by Arm of Hope. 

Thank you for your consistent monthly support for your sponsored child.  As you give each month, funds are building up for us to be able to move into a new school year in September.  We continue to trust God to provide for the over 400 children supported through the school sponsorship of Arm of Hope.

May 16 has been on the Arm of Hope calendar for quite some time as the anticipated date for this year’s 5k. Sadly, the 5k as we know it will not be able to take place this year.  However, you do have an opportunity to still raise funds for Arm of Hope campers by doing your own personal walk/run over the next month.  At a time when it can seem that life is on hold and many of us find ourselves with extra time on our hands, this is something we can all do to make a difference from the comfort of our own homes! 

All funds raised by the 5k are used to provide scholarships for our Arm of Hope campers.  With the money you raise, you will be helping children and teens receive transportation, lodging, food, and fun at this year’s camp.  Most importantly, each precious child will hear the Gospel presented clearly and will have an opportunity to commit their lives to Jesus or renew their relationships with Him.

Follow this link to sign up for the 5k!

God is already providing abundantly for our Arm of Hope team as we move forward with preparations for this year’s camp.  Recently we were able to acquire direct flight tickets at a reduced rate.  As we navigated a series of challenging events, God led us to just the right moment to purchase our tickets, making it possible for us to save funds.  This was confirmation to us that He is in the little things, and even though fundraising this year is more difficult than usual, He will provide for the things He has planned!   Though the future is uncertain, we know God has a perfect plan.  We continue to move forward, trusting in Him until He fully opens or closes a door.   If doors open, we will go with enthusiasm!  If doors close, all funds raised will go to Ghana for our Ghanaian partners to have camp without our team.  Either way,  all funds given will be invested in the children of Arm of Hope.

Follow this link to support our Arm of Hope camp team, and choose “Arm of Hope – Ghana Trip” from the fund menu!

Mark your calendars today for our Arm of Hope banquet at Hope Community Church on Saturday, October 24.  We pray that it will be possible to gather together with all of you on that day to celebrate the mighty things God is doing in the lives of the children in Ghana whom we love so much!


Mike and Cheryl Zimmerman

(Directors of Arm of Hope in the US)

Cheryl Zimmerman

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