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Thanksgiving…or not.

How often do we claim to be thankful, and yet most of what comes out of our mouths is nothing but complaints.

Winter is too cold…we say from the comfort of our year-round, climate-controlled homes with roofs that never leak.

I hate my job…we say with the ability, training, and education to provide for our families.

I have nothing to wear…we say as we shove clothing into the closet in order to get the door closed.

I need a new car…we say as we peer into our garage where two perfectly useful used cars sit.

I deserve a vacation…we say, forgetting about the paid days off we get every year from our place of employment.

I have no idea what to make for dinner…we say with pantries and fridges overflowing to the max.

I wish MY house was like THEIR house…we say not realizing what most houses in the world really look like.

My house is so unorganized…we say from the viewpoint of an overflowing amount of possessions.

I had to wait too long for my appointment…we say with health insurance in hand to pay for our medical needs.

I wish I didn’t have to go to school…we say without realizing that education is a privilege that sets us up for success.

I wish my life was different…we say not realizing how the rest of the world lives.

Cold, heat, hunger, unemployment, nakedness, lack of transportation, homelessness, sickness…have we ever really experienced these things without hope?

Thanksgiving…it’s tomorrow, but it should be every day.

What if your complaints are someone else’s dreams?

Be thankful, my friends.

Cheryl Zimmerman

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