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Sacrifice…surrender, selflessness, pain.

Praise…joy, thankfulness, celebration.


Life in a slum community where there’s never enough food, space, privacy, beds, or water and always too much pain, brokenness, abuse, and crime.  But there is a light in the form of a new building that brings hope to the hopeless.  A SACRIFICE OF PRAISE.

Expenses are rising for utilities, water, and employee pay.  But hope is rising too in the form of a library and a computer lab and a place of refuge.  A SACRIFICE OF PRAISE.

Challenging leadership decisions, loss of camp location, and hurting people.  But now a new camp by the beach with new partners and more space.  A SACRIFICE OF PRAISE.

Saying good bye to our social worker assistant Marigold, and needing a new person to disciple the girls of Arm of Hope.  But so happy for Marigold’s scholarship and a peace that God will provide the right person at the right time.  A SACRIFICE OF PRAISE.

Abandonment, tears, fear, and struggle.  Voices singing, hands raised, and joyful worship.  A SACRIFICE OF PRAISE

Betrayal, suffering, and death on the cross.   But resurrection, life, and salvation.  JESUS IS THE ULTIMATE SACRIFICE OF PRAISE.



Cheryl Zimmerman

Comments (2)

  1. LaVera Seymour

    Thank you Sisters and Brothers in Ghana I am so grateful your this ministry. We are praying you all of you and your recipients. Sharing the grace, peace, and the love of Christ, making a difference! Blessing to you all.
    Love a dear sister in the Lord,
    LaVera S.

  2. Cheryl Zimmerman

    I don’t know you, but thank you for your encouragement. If you would like more information on Arm of Hope, I’d be happy to help you. Our email is Have a blessed day!

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