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Sep 2019

September Newsletter

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A Glimpse into the Amazing Things God is Doing in Ghana!

Our 6th Annual Arm of Hope Camp…

As you may have heard, camp got off to a bit of a rough start with a last minute need to change location. As we prayed, we placed our trust in God, asking Him to take care of the many things over which we had no control, and God came through!  

Our camp location was moved several hours outside of Accra to a vocational school by the beach. The new property was much more spacious, and going to the beach was a highlight of every camper’s week!  Without the support of our partners at our previous location, our older Arm of Hope students had to step up and lead.  It was a joy to see them taking charge of games and crafts, leading and mentoring small groups of children, helping with food preparation and serving, setting up and cleaning up, and even teaching lessons. Without the change of location, they would most likely have not risen to this new level. It was so beautiful to see God working in and through them!

Another camp highlight was our live band!  For the past few years, we have sung the camp songs with tracks. Singing is always one of the favorite part of camp, but having a real band made it so much better!  I don’t think we will ever be able to go back to tracks, so if you are a musician, talk to me about going to Ghana in 2020.  We need you!

Our College Students…

Last year Arm of Hope sent nine students on to university.  This year I am happy to announce that we have 15 more students who have passed college entrance exams and are beginning their education right now!  It is such an answer to prayer to see our students entering this phase of life that would never have been possible without the love and support of you, our Arm of Hope sponsors.

If you would like to be a part of helping a student reach their goal of a college education, you can do so by committing to $130 per month.  Though this is much higher than high school costs, it is quite low compared to school here in the US, and quite a value when you realize you are changing the entire future of a potential-filled life.  If God is nudging you in this direction,  please contact me at  These two young ladies are currently still in need of sponsors.

Arm of Hope Book Drive…

Our Arm of Hope office, computer center, and library is complete! We celebrated together in Ghana a few weeks ago, as we dedicated the Arm of Hope building to God. We are now doing a book drive to fill our empty library shelves.  Books will be collected at the banquet or can be dropped off in the blue bins in the lobby of Hope Community Church.  Let’s give our Arm of Hope children their very first library in their very own community!

Arm of Hope Banquet…

Our 4th annual banquet is coming up on October 19!  It will be a night of delicious food, great worship, and stories and pictures of lives changed in Ghana. Invitations and tickets will be coming out soon!  Please save the date and respond to if you or your business would like to sponsor a table for $200 or if you would like to be a table host and fill a table with 8-10 friends. We hope to see you there!


Cheryl Zimmerman

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