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Aug 2019

World Changers

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“To see young people living in slum communities discipled to love Jesus with all of their hearts, so they can rise up as leaders and disciple-makers who transform their community, their country, and their world.”

The vision of Arm of Hope.

It’s happening.


This is our 6th year of camp. Each year carries a similar structure, and with that consistency, we have seen our campers mature and grow in their behavior, in their respect, and in their attitudes toward leaders and toward other campers.

Six years has brought a lot of maturity in our campers’ lives.  Some who were young enough to attend the first week of camp six years ago, are now 17 years old and are acting as leaders.  Some who were quite strong willed when we began camp and gave us a run for our money are now leading their own groups and positively influencing others.  After all, it’s always the strong-willed, determined ones that make the best leaders.

I continue to look for them year after year.  I see them popping up now – eleven and twelve year olds – the ones who aren’t afraid to speak their mind, the ones who have opinions and ideas, the ones who manage their groups when the leaders aren’t around.  I watch them and mentally put them on a list, because I know it is the ones who have this drive that will one day be up front teaching and out in the field organizing, and running around camp keeping order. They will be the ones who listen and encourage and invest in others.

My view of God’s work has changed over the years.  It used to be one of “ask Jesus into your heart” and BAM – you’re different, you’re done.  I have grown to see that Jesus works patiently.  Minute by minute, day by day, year upon year.  Sometimes the changes are hardly noticeable, until six years later you look back in wonder realizing that you are different.  That your campers are different.  That little by little, God is changing hearts that are willing.  Little by little surrender is happening, sanctification is happening, and God is working.

Jesus is not in a hurry. Jesus is kind.  Jesus is willing to walk the long road with each of us.

So last week I saw Monica teach the Gospel of Jesus being the light of the world to over 200 of us in assembly.  She presented the plan of salvation clearly.  The campers were obviously connecting with what she said.  “Preach on!”  they said.  Monica is the prefect of her school.  Monica is a leader.  Monica is showing our young girls that boys aren’t the only ones who can lead.  Girls are strong too.  Girls are leaders.

Six years ago Joseph and John were competitive boys, intent on winning at all costs. It wasn’t unheard of for a fist fight to break out.  This year their teams went head to head in games.  Both boys lead a fierce competition among their teams, but there were no fights.  There was no anger.  They lead a healthy rivalry.  At the end of the week, they had their boys shake hands and congratulate each other.  They showed them that  winning isn’t just about the prize, it’s about how you treat others and how you lose.

The first day of camp, I connected with Martha.  She just received her results and passed her college entrance exams with flying colors.  She wants to go to law school. I encouraged her.  She can do it.  Ghana needs more godly leaders to advocate for those who are suffering.  Martha can take the difficulties of her life, along with the gift of education she has been handed, and go full circle as she returns to help those in need.

Game leaders, craft leaders, teachers, small group leaders, security people, kitchen help – the list goes on and on.  These positions are filled with our young leaders.

They are rising up.

They are disciple makers.

They are changing their community and their country.

Now on to the world…

Cheryl Zimmerman

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