Join us for the annual Arm of Hope 5K and Chicken BBQ! To find out more

So what does a day at camp look like?  We have the same structure every year so the campers and leaders know what to expect, but of course, we throw in a few surprises and new things just for fun.

In the morning, we all have breakfast and then move into the assembly hall for some lively worship and teaching.

The roof practically lifts off our assembly room with the worship that these kids display!

This year we are teaching about the statements in the book of John where Jesus says “I Am”.  Jen taught about how Jesus is the light of the world.

After assembly we move into rotations.



Hands-on learning…

Small groups…

Bible study…

And saying our verses and doing good deeds to try to impress the star master!

Check our the star master’s “I Am” hat – the bread, the light, the way, and the vine!  Haha!

After lunch we take a rest time and then do activities with the kids.




And of course, football!

Evening activities include movies and fun stuff like campfire with marshmallows and glow sticks and black light flashlights!

And other than that, we just listen, encourage, build relationships, and let the kids use us for human jungle gyms, which is the most fun ever!

I seriously wish you could all be here and experience the joy!  It’s amazing!



Cheryl Zimmerman

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