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Jul 2019

Sand, Sea, and Pure Joy!

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Camp is in full swing with the beginning of the third day coming right up in just  a couple of hours.  We have a new location this year which has brought about some adaptations, but has also brought some added blessings.

One of these blessings is the opportunity to take our campers to the beach!  Many of them had never seen the sea before, even though they live just a few miles from it.

We formed a parade – 250 strong – and made our way there with singing and dancing and so much joy.

You should have seen their faces when we walked through town and the Atlantic came into view.

“It’s so big!” they exclaimed!

“It reaches all the way to America!” we told them.

When your world is small, well, mind blown!

We spent a delicious hour and a half building sand castles and wading and getting covered in water, salt, and sand.

The smiles on their faces made the 7 months of preparation worth it in that single moment.  We are spending time with the most precious souls.  They are so resilient and brave and strong and determined.

To take them from their troubles for just a few days and pour the love of God into them and let them enjoy a care free life, is the best kind of time spent.

Thank you for your continued prayers, support, and partnership as we continue serving these children at our 2019 camp.


Cheryl Zimmerman

Comments (2)

  1. Barbara Eckert

    So wonderful to see the pictures of children’s smiling faces. So beautiful to know that they had a trip to the beach. Thank you to all who are ministering to them. Prayers for continuing safety.

  2. Cheryl Zimmerman

    Thank you, Barb!

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