Join us for the annual Arm of Hope 5K and Chicken BBQ! To find out more
Jul 2019


Posted in Prayer Requests and tagged: ,

One day till we leave, and we are ready to go!  Breakfast is packed for the team.  All of the camp supplies are stowed away in the trailer ready for departure.  We have insurance and passports and visas and immunizations and yellow fever cards.  We have all of our bill paid. The house is clean, the last loads of laundry are in the washer, and my kiddo is finishing up the farm mowing.  WE ARE READY TO ROLL!

This beautiful, comfortable, summer day reflects the mood in my heart of peace, joy, and excitement to have a little part in God’s plan for the world.  How did I ever get so lucky as to get to serve Him?  I know I am living my best life, and it puts a smile on my face that I can’t wipe off.

Today will you please THANK GOD with us for all that He has done?  Arm of Hope is certainly not something that any of us humans could manufacture on our own.  It’s an act of God that we are in awe of every single day.

Thank Him for his abundant provision for the team and for the camp.

Thank Him for all of our partners and our hard-working team members who made our 6th year of camp possible.

Thank Him for all of the packed supplies ready to travel to the children of Arm of Hope.

Thank Him for the amazing team He has perfectly orchestrated for this particular year.

Thank Him for our Ghanaian partners whom we cannot wait to serve with.

Thank Him for everything HE IS GOING TO DO this year at camp in the lives of children there.

Cheryl Zimmerman

Comments (2)

  1. Fran Sauder

    Praising God with you! I’m excited for you to do this. Praying for all

  2. Cheryl Zimmerman

    Thanks, Fran!

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