Join us for the annual Arm of Hope 5K and Chicken BBQ! To find out more
Jul 2019


Posted in Prayer Requests and tagged: ,

Today our team met for our very last meeting before we fly on Friday.  Our families joined us for a picnic, so we could all get to know each other and go over plans for our trip.  We prayed together, anticipating all that God is going to do at this year’s camp.


Please pray today that God will be glorified in all things, and that the enemy will be defeated. Oh yes, we definitely have an enemy.  We have seen him at work, and we know He is not pleased with what God is doing in Ghana and in the lives of the children of Arm of Hope.

But we also know that “the one in us is GREATER than the one who is in the world”.  I John 4:4

I’ve been singing these words recently…

“Even what the enemy means for evil, you turn it for our good, and for your glory!  Even in the valley you are faithful, you’re working for our good, and for your glory.”   It doesn’t get any better than that!

I have also seen the peace and freedom and anticipation there is in living in a place where I don’t know all of the details. I’m a pretty strong and self-sufficient person, so being forced to trust God with something I can’t handle instead of just saying I trust in Him is a beautiful place for me to live.

Though the enemy definitely has plans to destroy, our God is sovereign over us.  He is sovereign over our trip, and He is sovereign over our camp.  We are praying that this is the best year of camp yet.  We are praying that God will radically change lives of the children at our camp and radically change our lives as well in the process. We don’t want to waste this trip and come home the same.


Cheryl Zimmerman

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