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Jul 2019


Posted in Prayer Requests and tagged: ,

Thanks for continuing to pray for our Ghana camp trip coming up in just six days!

6!  One of the most amazing days about traveling to Ghana in SIX days for the SIXTH year of camp is watching our campers grow up.  Some who were just little the first year we were there have now become leaders.  It is amazing to see those we led and nurtured now leading and nurturing others.

As our students grow up, we ask them to help with camp instead of just coming as campers.  Student leaders help to teach.  Student leaders direct craft and game stations. Student leaders lead color teams of students.  Student leaders assist in every area of camp.  One of our core values at Arm of Hope is to develop leaders, and camp allows us to display those leadership qualities.  It also gives older students an opportunity to “give back” after all they have been given.

Please pray for our student leaders today.  Pray that God will raise them up to be leaders at camp, to be leaders in their community, to be leaders in their country of Ghana, and to be leaders in the world.  Pray that our student leaders will truly grasp what it means to love God with all of their hearts, to obey Him, and to surrender to Him in all things.

Sometimes serving and giving is even more fun that just receiving.  Pray that our student leaders will be encouraged through their participation at camp this year.  Pray that they will realize their God-given potential in Christ and pray they will rise up to the standard to which God has called them.


Cheryl Zimmerman

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