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10 days from right this minute, our 2019 Ghana camp team will be sitting in the JFK airport ready for liftoff.  It’s hard to believe that the day we have been anticipating for so long is almost here.  Over the next 10 days, I will be posting prayer requests for our trip.  Will you please pray with us?



Today will you please pray for our team?  God brought this team together so quickly this year – no recruiting necessary!  From the beginning, I knew there was a reason for each person. There are so many different personalities, talents, and gifts in this group!  Each person on this team is so enthusiastic and ready to work.  Please thank God with me for this team!

Each person on the team is leaving family behind and sacrificing vacation days at work. Each person has a lot of loose ends to tie up before we fly in just 10 days.  Please pray for the logistics of each team member, but I also ask that even more than that, you pray for our hearts – that we will be selfless and just like Jesus, not only in Ghana, but as we prepare to go.

Cheryl Zimmerman

Comments (1)

  1. Linda Cooper

    Father God
    I’m lifting up these precious disciples to you. Please keep them safe to and from and during this trip. Let your words thoughts fill them so they may share with all try come in contact with.
    In Jesus name I pray

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