Join us for the annual Arm of Hope 5K and Chicken BBQ! To find out more

The Arm of Hope third annual banquet took place on October 20, and it was truly an amazing night! Even though I knew exactly what was going to take place and what was going to be said, I found myself on the edge of my seat with eyes riveted to the stage. I was just in awe of God and His power the entire night!

An event like this is not easy to pull off.  It takes dozens of people with different skills and talents – speakers, bakers, cooks, servers, administrators, accountants, decorators, graphic designers, those good at being creative with their hands (and those crazy enough to hang full-size ladders from the ceilings), and much, much more.  Not to mention all the people that were willing to just stay afterward and serve by cleaning up.  Wow!  What a team!  I am so grateful for all of you!

Our goal this year at the banquet was to show each of you who partner with and support Arm of Hope how much you are appreciated.  We tried to do this by feeding you and serving you well!

Our second goal of the evening was to let those in attendance know about the amazing things God is doing in Ghana, the most recent of which is the building of our new Arm of Hope facility right in the heart of the community in which we are working.  We tried to give the night a “construction theme flair” to add to the festivities

The night was rounded out with stories and photos from Ghana.  The main focus was, of course, on what God is doing in the hearts of the kids we love and support from the slum community in which we are ministering.

As always, we were so honored to have our special ministry leader, Philip Darko, with us from Ghana!

We began the night with a $10,000 matching grant!  We knew that if the grant was matched, we would be able to complete the structure of the building.  In my heart, I was praying for additional funds to furnish and completely finish the building, so I was not surprised when God did just that!  The total brought in at this year’s banquet was $26,632.  When combined with our matching grant, our total is at $36,632!  Yay, God!  Once again He has abundantly provided for the work He is doing.  To all of you who contributed toward this effort, thank you!  We are sending part of these fund to Ghana this month, and construction will be underway in December!  More posts will surely follow soon, updating you on your partnership investment in the first ever Arm of Hope facility!

Many of you expressed regrets that you were not able to join us this year.  We missed you, but you don’t have to completely miss out, because the banquet’s program is now on You Tube!  I apologize that the barbecue feast is not included while watching the You Tube version of the night.

Once again, many, many, many thanks to all of you who poured your hearts and souls into this beautiful evening, either through your labors of love or through your sacrificial gifts.  God was truly glorified!  I am again on the edge of my seat, as I wait expectantly for what it is that God is going to do in and through this building He has provided!  What can we do but worship Him?

Cheryl Zimmerman

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