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Oct 2018

Building Support

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I am writing today to remind you that the third annual Arm of Hope banquet is coming up in just a couple of days!  We have more people in attendance than ever before!  The room will be packed!  The barbecue is underway, a team of helpers is in place, decorations and paper products are piling up in my garage, and excitement is building…

Get it?  Building! 🙂

As you have probably heard, Arm of Hope is indeed building!  If you are coming to the banquet, you will hear all about it, but many of you have said you will not be able to attend.  I want you to know you can still be involved!

If you want to have a piece in the partnership that God is building between us and the ministry of Arm of Hope, you can still give even if you don’t attend the banquet.  Here are the three ways you can do that:

  1.  Write a check to Hope Community Church, 1806 Harrisburg Avenue, Mount Joy, PA 17552.  Clearly label it for the “Arm of Hope Building Project”.
  2. Give online by going to where you will be linked to make an account at Hope Community Church.  When you give, choose “Arm of Hope – Building Project” from the drop down giving menu.
  3. If you are already giving monthly to support a child, or if you are a member of Hope Community Church, you probably already have an account!  You can easily give through that account by choosing the “Arm of Hope – Building Project” option from the drop down giving menu.

We have a matching grant of $10,000 for this year’s banquet, which is super exciting!  We believe God can match that grant to finish the building, but we also believe without a shadow of a doubt that God can provide abundantly over that amount so that we have funds to furnish the building with chairs, tables, bookshelves, file cabinets, and computers.

Thank  you in advance for your prayers, for your excitement, and for your partnership in the amazing things God is doing.  It is an unbelievable privilege and joy to partner with you on this exciting adventure!

Ephesians 3:20-21 (the Message)

“God can do anything, you know-far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!”

I’m ready, God.  Blow me away!  🙂


Cheryl Zimmerman

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