Join us for the annual Arm of Hope 5K and Chicken BBQ! To find out more

The Arm of Hope third annual appreciation banquet and fundraiser is coming up in just one month!  We are so excited to share this time of food, fun, and stories with you!  Our ultimate goal is to make much of God and all He is doing in Ghana!  If you would like a free ticket to the banquet, please email us at!

If you are wondering about the mission and vision of Arm of Hope, below is a summery of the amazing things we have seen God do over the past 7 years.  Has it really only been 7 years?  We are amazed, excited, and humbled as we stand in awe of our God and His ability to change lives.

Arm of Hope in Ghana

Our Mission:

To stretch arms of compassion to children living in poverty in the slums of Ghana, providing them with the opportunity of education and introducing them to the love of Jesus, giving them real hope for their futures.

Our Vision:

To see young people in slum communities discipled to love Jesus with all their hearts, so they can rise up as leaders and disciple-makers who transform their community, their country, and their world.

What We Have Seen God Do Over the Past Seven Years:

– a weekly Bible Club meeting in the slum community

-over 300 children receiving education

-38 students graduated from high school

-8 students going on to university

-5 years of camp reaching 2,000 total campers

*Here you can see the “before” view of the school room Arm of Hope uses for Bible Club.  It is just a make-shift tin room resting on poles – no walls.


What We See God Doing Right Now:

-building a partnership with a teacher of a school in the slum community

-making a way for Arm of Hope to build a second story over the school building

-providing money through the development fund to begin the construction of the new Arm of Hope location


What We See God Doing in the Future:

-using the building as a headquarters from which Philip and Marigold can work

-providing a place for Arm of Hope storage

-providing a library and computer space for students to do homework and study

-benefiting the school (and many of our students) through better class space

-providing jobs for our students through building security, library oversight, etc.

-using this building as a light in a very dark community to shine brightly the love of Jesus and impact the community for Christ

*Demolition of old tin ceiling and the beginnings of the second floor going up.

*Bamboo supports to hold the second floor.

*Rebar before concrete.

*Samuel (Mike and I sponsor him!) helping to work on the building site.  I love that this building is providing employment for our friends in this community – including some of our students!

*Concrete beginning to be poured.

*The second story concrete finished (from the school room/Bible Club view below)  You can already see the difference this structure is going to make in the lives of these children!

If you want to hear more stories about the amazing things God is doing in Ghana, please join us on October 20 for our banquet.  Contact us today for tickets at


Cheryl Zimmerman

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