Join us for the annual Arm of Hope 5K and Chicken BBQ! To find out more
Jul 2018


Posted in Prayer Requests and tagged:



Today would you please pray for Brother Philip’s assistant, Marigold?  If you were at our first banquet in October of 2016, you remember that we presented the vision of hiring a young lady to work with our sponsored girls and be a helper to Brother Philip.  God answered that prayer through the gift of Marigold.

Marigold has a social work degree and is passionate about using her education to minister to children in need.  Our team enjoyed getting to know Marigold last year, and we can’t wait to see her again soon!

Please pray for Marigold today.  I know she is very busy preparing for camp and assisting Brother Philip with all of the last minute details.

Thank you for praying through our countdown with us!

Cheryl Zimmerman

Comments (3)

  1. Robin

    Praying today for Marigold and all if you. Thanks for the updates!

  2. Cheryl Zimmerman

    Thanks so much, Robin!

  3. Cheryl Zimmerman

    Thanks, Robin!

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