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Jul 2018


Posted in Prayer Requests and tagged:

Today will you pray for the health of our team?  Ghana is a wonderful, safe place to visit, and we are so well taken care of while we are there, but sometimes the food or environment effects a team member adversely and causes them to be sick.

Sickness is so disappointing (not to mention uncomfortable), because we have spent this whole year raising funds and making preparations for this time in Ghana.  We don’t want to waste a minute of our precious time there!

So please pray for health for our team today!  Pray for stamina and rest during our long flight.  Pray that our stomachs will do well on the food we eat in Ghana.  Pray that we will have maximized strength to give 110% to the task God has called us to!

And one more special request…

Will you please pray an extra prayer for our team member, Denise.  This is her third time in Ghana, and she is a huge part of our team using her teaching gifts and showering her love on the children in Ghana.  This is Denise’s third year in Ghana and the past two years she has gotten terribly sick.  We are not sure what is causing the sickness, but it wipes her out for the first week, and it is very disappointing for her to spend the first week in bed after the long anticipation of this trip.  Denise continues to return to Ghana, because she is not willing to let the enemy win in her life in this area!  Please pray for Denise’s health and strength!  I believe this could without a doubt be a year when she isn’t sick for even a minute!  Let’s ask God for this!  He can do it!

Cheryl Zimmerman

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