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Jul 2018


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It’s still day 5, right?  Barely, but I’m getting it in there…

Five days until Ghana!

Today, would you pray for our Ghanaian ministry partners?  Pulling off a camp for 450 kids takes a lot of hands and a lot of effort.  Our team is responsible for raising funds, planning out the schedule, and purchasing and preparing the supplies, but there’s a lot more to it than that!

This is my friend, Sister Mamme.  She prepares all of the food for the camp, and that is a lot of food!  It involves a lot of planning and hard work.

The food for the campers is prepared outside by many of the residents and workers at Echoing Hills, the facility at which we are staying.  These girls are always laughing while they are working; they are so much fun!

Three times a day, food is cooked in these huge pots to feed many, hungry mouths!

Volunteers will also be preparing food for our team.  They always put lots of time and love into it making it so special for us.  We eat some American type foods and also enjoy taste testing many of the Ghanaian traditional foods like ground nut soup and fufu!

Sister Mamme makes the best ground nut soup, and it takes extra work to make this because the fufu has to be pounded for an extended period of time.

This is Peter.  He is up early each morning preparing coffee for our team.  Now that’s an important job!

Samuel will be making sure our team rooms are ready with freshly washed sheets and wonderfully clean accommodations.

We always receive the best greetings from our friends at Echoing Hills!  Ghanaians show extravagant hospitality, and we are lucky to be the recipiants.

So please pray tonight for our many, many Ghanaian friends who are working just as hard in Ghana as we are here to get ready for the big two weeks of camp!  Pray for them as they plan  and prepare for the lodging and food for the campers and the team.

I know we will be treated by a hearty “akwaaba” which means “welcome” in Ghana!  Partnering together with our friends to see God’s plans come alive is an amazing experience!


Cheryl Zimmerman

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