Join us for the annual Arm of Hope 5K and Chicken BBQ! To find out more
Jul 2018


Posted in Prayer Requests and tagged:


Six days…and that’s less than a week!  Ahhhh!

Today will you pray for our campers?  We plan to have between 400 and 450 campers over our two weeks of camp.

The first week we will have campers who are up to age 12.  The second week will be for teens!  Campers earn a camp scholarship by regularly attending the Arm of Hope Bible club every Sunday.  Bible club attendance always goes up when camp is on the horizon!

So today, pray for our campers:

  1.  Pray that camp will be a fun, engaging, memorable experience for them amidst their difficult lives.  Many of these children have to work at a very young age to help provide for the needs of the family.  Camp is a vacation where it’s acceptable to enjoy being a kid!
  2. Pray that meaningful relationships will be built.  One of the goals of our team is that we, along with our Ghanaian partners, will be positive role models in the lives of these children, some of whom do not have anyone in their lives to look up to.  Pray that we will look like Jesus!  Pray that we will be encouragers!  Pray that God will give us the words to give these children hope and confidence.
  3. Pray that all of the activities of camp will point the children to Jesus.  Pray that many children will sincerely commit or recommit their lives to Christ.

Thanks so much for joining us in prayer!  We believe that God is going to do great things in the lives of these children!

Cheryl Zimmerman

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