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Jul 2018


Posted in Prayer Requests and tagged:




Only 8 days till we leave for Ghana!

Today would you pray for our “stuff”?  I’m really not a stuff person at all, unless that stuff has a purpose, and in this case, that is exactly the situation!

It looks like we are taking a lot, but really we have streamlined it down to the basic necessities. Our goal is to have crafts, games, and object lessons that instill the truth of God’s Word that we are teaching the campers.  Our other purpose is to have fun together and build relationships.  Everything we are taking fits into one of these two categories.

So pray today that we will be able to fit in everything we need for 450 campers!  It multiplies so quickly when you take 450 of anything!  Pray that Mike will have wisdom to pack it in the best possible way for shipping, and pray that all our supplies will make it safely over the Atlantic and through customs, so we can most effectively teach God’s Word.

And just an fyi…each team member is packing in a 22 lb. carry on.  Yup.  22 lbs.  That’s it!  We are living simply for 2 weeks so we can maximize the space we have for camp supplies. Maybe you should also pray that we as a team can pull off that 22 lb. limit… Haha!

Now I think I’ll deliver some warm, chocolate chip cookies to this hardworking packer in my garage!  He deserves it!

Cheryl Zimmerman

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