Join us for the annual Arm of Hope 5K and Chicken BBQ! To find out more
Jul 2018


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Nine days till lift off!  I can’t even believe it! The excitement is running high, for sure!

Today will you pray for our teachers?

They are:  Tim Ainsley, Denise Grove, Joe Stecz, Nancy Mehesy, and Mary Beth Will.

Teaching in Ghana is the core of camp.  Each year we surround our Biblical theme with games, crafts, illustrations, songs, and small group activities.  This year’s theme is the armor of God from Ephesians 6.  Our goal is to teach our young campers how to put on the armor in their daily lives through prayer, learning to use their Bibles, and spending time with God on a daily basis.

But before we teach the nitty gritty of the armor, we ALWAYS teach the foundation of the gospel and the truth of God’s word.

This year our teachers will be discipling and mentoring some of our older Arm of Hope students to co- teach with them.  It’s so exciting to see God raising up young leaders in Ghana!

Pray today for our teachers:

…that God would fill them with the exact words He wants them to speak

…that they would be full of creativity and inspiration for how to best communicate with our campers

…that they would build strong and lasting relationships with the students they are mentoring to teach

…that God would use their words to draw many children into new-found relationships with Jesus or renewed relationships with Jesus.

Cheryl Zimmerman

Comments (2)

  1. Carilyn

    Praying for you…. for receptive hearts and strength for you as you minister

  2. Cheryl Zimmerman

    Thank you so very much for praying!

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