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Jul 2018

Moving Mountains…Quite Literally!

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Mountain moving.

I remember the most beautiful mountains I ever saw.  It was 14 years ago in Alaska on a mission trip Mike and I took with Light Shine Ministries.  They were majestic.  They were awe inspiring.  They weren’t going anywhere.

I’ve been singing this Elevation song to myself over and over recently.


“I see You move, You move the mountains

And I believe, I’ll see you do it again

You made a way, when there was no way

And I believe, I’ll see you do it again”


There’s been a lot of mountains in my life recently.  Mountains of paperwork.  Mountains of children that need sponsors.  Mountains of funds needed for camp.  Mountains of work to do to get together funds for Mike and me to travel.  Mountains of overwhelming tasks and details and  last minute problems to solve that I feel completely inept at handling.

Then there are literal mountains as well…

I have been looking at this mountain with dread all week.  Things kept getting added to it until it felt overwhelming.  450 campers require A LOT of supplies.  And A LOT of lists.  And A LOT of tiny details.  Sigh. Little tiny details are the arch nemesis of a girl who likes to accomplish stuff efficiently! I may have closed the door and refused to look at it more than once.

So I decided that since we are teaching the kids about God’s armor in Ghana, I might as well start using it now!  We have been learning a lot from Priscilla Shirer about faith.  You know, that kind that can move mountains.  Here’s some things I have learned:


*Faith is when you I act like God is telling the truth!

*Faith is what I say I believe in action.

*God’s ways do not make sense.

*Will I be crippled by my fear and insecurities, or will I do it anyway?

*The faith place is stepping into a situation or circumstance where you put yourself into a position for God to have to come through.

*What God has called me to do, He will equip me for!

*Partnering with God and His miracles will leave me speechless!


So I tackled my literal mountain.  One craft at a time.  One game at a time.  One necessary supply at a time.  And it worked.

Before long, the supplies were at least in some semblance of order, and everything could be readily found to begin the packing process.  And I’m still singing my Elevation song!


“Your promise still stands

Great is your faithfulness, Your faithfulness

I’m still in your hand

This is my confidence, You’ve never failed me yet”


Faith is an action.  It’s saying, “I’m getting to work, and I’m doing the next thing.”  I may have no idea what the end result is going to be, but it’s not up to me.  It’s up to my God, and He is completely and totally capable.  He has never failed me yet!

8 trips to Ghana.

5 years of camp.

300 children in school.

Provision for it all.  Period.  And many people ask me, “What’s next?”  and “What are you gong to do if this happens or if that happens?”  And my answer is always that I have no idea, because the future of what God is doing in Ghana is most certainly not up to me.  It most certainly does not make sense a lot of the time, but I will continue to act as though what God is telling me is the truth!

So the 1,500 pound mountain is still in my garage.  It’s not completely moved yet.  I’m hoping that soon it will look a little more like this:

But in the meantime, I will be active.  I will do the next thing. I will believe that God will come through.

So go ahead God, DO IT AGAIN!  I’m prepared to be speechless.



Cheryl Zimmerman

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