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Jun 2018

Prayers Appreciated

Posted in Prayer Requests and tagged: , ,

Here we are!  The Ghana camp 2018 team!  Will you please pray for us?

Every year I ask God to put together the perfect team that He desires to carry out the camp in Ghana, and every year He surprises me with good gifts!  It’s always a time of uncertainty as people say they are planning to go and then back out, while others come around at the last minute to commit to being a part of the team.  This is our fifth year of camp, and every year the team has been an amazing body of Christ, working together to partner with the awesome things God is already doing in Ghana.  What a humbling privilege it is to serve Him!

Will you pray for us?  We are working on all of our last minute travel plans, putting together songs and teaching, applying for visas, and gathering camp supplies.  It is an exciting and busy time, as we try to wrap up our home life for 15 days across the Atlantic.  Your prayers will make it possible for God to be glorified in everything we do.  Most of all, pray that we will be like Jesus in all of our words, thoughts, and actions toward our team members, toward our partner in Ghana, and toward the campers we are so excited to meet.  We are nothing on our own, but through God’s power, we can do great things!

Ghana Team 2018 Members:

(back row)  Cheryl Zimmerman, Tim Ainsley, Colton Grove, Mike Zimmerman, Denise Grove, Joe Stecz, Sherrie Ainsley, Nancy Mehesy, Karen Blackbird, Mary Beth Will, Hannah Martin

(front row)  Nate Mehesy, Erika Belmont, Katie Will, Maddie Gerard

Cheryl Zimmerman

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