Join us for the annual Arm of Hope 5K and Chicken BBQ! To find out more

The annual Arm of Hope 5k is just around the corner and coming up on Saturday, May 19 at 9:00 a.m at Hope Community Church in Mount Joy, PA.  Though I am not a runner, I have loved being a part of the 5k each year.  It’s an all-around fun day for the whole family.  There’s food, laughter, prizes galore, and some healthy competition.  Even if you don’t like to run (like me), you can always take part by walking.  It’s an easy course with no hills – just a little stroll around the neighborhood.

The best part about this day is the cause.  By signing up for the Arm of Hope 5k, you are literally making it possible for kids in Ghana to go to camp this summer.  Currently, we have a team of 15 people who are preparing their hearts and using their time to ensure that this year’s camp will be an awesome experience for these kids who have so little.  The cost to send one child in Ghana to camp is $50.  This includes transportation, lodging, food, and all the supplies needed for 4 days of crafts, games, and fun.  Each child also receives a shirt and a bag that they can take home with them at the end of the week – very useful items that they are much in need of.

The Arm of Hope camp is something the kids in Ghana look forward to ALL YEAR.  Their lives are very difficult in a lot of respects, but camp gives them a time to enjoy being a kid and leave those worries behind for just a few days.  Camp gives these kids hope, as they learn to follow Jesus and trust Him more.  Camp is the one glimmer of sunshine that many of these kids have in the midst of a very challenging year. There is an infinite number of smiles at the Arm of Hope camp!

If you are interested in taking part in this year’s race, you can sign up here:

And that’s not all!  Normally by coming to the race, you are contributing about $20 toward the camp.  While every little bit helps, this year we have found a new way to maximize the race and bless even more children.

After you sign up for the race, you will receive an email with a personal fundraising page.  All you have to do is share this page with your friends on your social media or through an email and encourage them to sponsor you as you run.  By sharing this personal page, you can multiply our efforts at the race and send many more children to camp!

Here is my 12 year old son’s page, so you can see an example.

Here’s what Caden has to say about the 5k:

“Hello, this is Caden. Last year, I went to Ghana to help with the Arm of Hope camp. I am not going this year, but I am still able to support Arm of Hope by running in the annual Arm Of Hope 5k. This year we are doing something new called crowd funding which is where a lot of people give small amounts of money that add up to help children like Desmond (whom I sponsor, shown below) go to camp. I am participating in track this year, so I am looking forward to running, and hopefully winning, the Arm Of Hope 5k is on May 19. Will you please sponsor me and send kids in Ghana to camp by clicking on the link? I’m hoping to have 25 people give $20 which will add up to $500 and be enough to send 10 kids to camp! Thanks for your help!”

Wow!  $500!  Now imagine if 50 people do this!  We could not only fund the camp, but put aside some money for next year’s camp or help the kids of Arm of Hope with education and other needs. Plus, it’s true that Caden is not going to Ghana this year, and most people may never have that opportunity, but in a small way, you can “be there” as you invest in the 5k and in the life of a child.

The point is that with just a small bit of effort on your part, you can make a huge difference and let more and more people know about Arm of Hope.  While social media has it’s down side at times, here’s a positive about social media! When many people share “just a little” it can add up to a whole lot!  Thanks for considering signing up for the race and being a part of this!  If you can’t be at the race, consider supporting someone like Caden or another friend who is running in the race by making a contribution to them and becoming their sponsor.

Together we can change lives of children in Ghana one at a time as we partner with the work God is already doing in their young hearts.  Thank you in advance for being a part of the Arm of Hope 5k and for sharing your resources to impact the eternity of a child in need.


Cheryl Zimmerman

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