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It’s amazing to think that we are returning to Ghana for our fifth year of camp!

Once again, God has answered our prayers and provided an amazing team of people with a plethora of gifts, abilities, talents, and interests.  These diversities will help to make our camp a colorful and exciting place, as we work together to support our missionary friends in Ghana and bless the children of Arm of Hope.

I have been waiting to unveil this year’s team when I have a picture to show, but alas, getting 15 people together at the same time is very difficult, so no picture has yet ensued.  In the meantime, here is a list of our 2018 team members:

Sherrie Ainsley

Tim Ainsley

Erika Belmont

Karen Blackbird

Maddie Gerard

Colton Grove

Denise Grove

Hannah Martin

Nancy Mehesy

Nate Mehesy

Joe Stecz

Katie Will

Mary Beth Will

Cheryl Zimmerman

Mike Zimmerman

It’s exciting to see how God has provided administrators, teachers, creative minds, a nurse, people who like to sing, organizers, those with the gift of compassion, those with traveling experience, great listeners, and much more to come together and serve the work God is doing in Ghana.

We are beyond excited and totally honored to have the privilege of serving with our friends in Ghana and ministering to the children loved by God there.

Please pray for our team:

  • that God would prepare our hearts and get us ready for the work He has for us
  • that God would prepare the hearts of the child to receive the word of God
  • that we would learn to listen, and love, and learn, and be more and more like Jesus
  • that God would provide all that we need materially, physically, and spiritually to successfully serve Him at camp this year

Tickets have been purchased, and July 27 is lift off day!  Ghana camp 2018, here we come!

Cheryl Zimmerman

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