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It’s been a bit quiet on the blog front since Christmas.  This time of year in Ghana is full of regular days – just like it is for us here.  Children are going to school.  Sponsors are faithfully supporting.  Brother Philip and Sister Marigold are working diligently to disciple and lead the young students of Arm of Hope through their everyday educational experiences.

That is why it shocks me to see that I have not written an update since Christmas until now, because recently in Ghana, it’s been Christmas…again!

That’s right! Just a few short weeks ago, the Operation Christmas Child boxes were delivered to the children of Arm of Hope.

Hearing about OCC in Ghana is extra special for me!  My family and I have been supporting OCC for years, and of course, we love to be a part of the amazing things God is doing through Arm of Hope, so it’s neat to see the two ministries come together!

What an amazing thought it is for me to think of the children I love in Ghana receiving boxes and letters just like the ones my kids and I put together each year.

Here’s the Bible Club school room where Brother Philip teaches the children every Sunday.  I can just imagine the ear piercing, chaotic excitement of 300 Christmas presents arriving in March!

This is Dorcas.  I have personally given to support her education each month since she was a very little girl.  Now she’s a teenager, and I can tell she’s pretty proud of her special Christmas box.

Just look at all of these happy faces!  And the best part is that each box comes with The Greatest Journey Bible study. Brother Philip will be using The Greatest Journey to teach the children each Sunday at Bible Club.

Thank you so much for your support of the children of Arm of Hope and also for those of you who are supporters of Operation Christmas Child.  It’s wonderful to see God’s hand bringing together ministries to work hand in hand for His glory.

Cheryl Zimmerman

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