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The glory of God…

I’ve been thinking about this reality a lot this week since Pastor Kirk at Hope Community Church spoke on the topic last Sunday.

There are so many ways that we try to take God’s glory.

…by wanting credit and praise for ourselves in any area of our lives

…or by not recognizing God and His infinite power in every situation.

It occurred to me that any time I think too much of myself or too little of myself, I am still thinking of myself.  If I’m thinking “too much”, I’m claiming that I brought something good about on my own and stealing God’s glory from Him.  If I’m thinking “too little”, I’m claiming that God is not capable of using me or displaying His power in the current situation I find myself in or that He is not trustworthy and sovereign over my life.

Focusing on God’s glory is actually a very freeing feeling.  It means I am not responsible.  It means life isn’t in my hands.  It means that I only need to be obedient, and willing, and available.  Then I get to relax and watch what God does.  How exciting!

Here’s an amazing way that God has shown His glory to me this week.

God has shown His glory by providing 5 year visas for Philip Darko and his wife Hannah and their son Michael, so they are not only able to attend and share at this year’s banquet, but many more over the next few years!  We cannot wait to hear Brother Philip’s testimony of all the ways God is working in the lives of children in Ghana.

If you’d like to learn more about what God is doing in Ghana, please come to our banquet on October 28 and celebrate with us as we honor Him!

Send me a message at, and I’ll send you your free ticket!

“Not to us, Lord, not to us but to YOUR NAME BE THE GLORY, because of Your unfailing love and faithfulness.”  Psalm 115:1




Cheryl Zimmerman

Comments (1)

  1. Pastor Reindorf Ashley

    His Grace is always sufficient. The Lord be with Philip and his family and greetings from Ghana

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