Join us for the annual Arm of Hope 5K and Chicken BBQ! To find out more

Dear Friends and Partners of Arm of Hope,

I am writing today to tell you about an important event coming up soon and to give you a personal invitation!  On October 28, the second annual Arm of Hope banquet will be hosted at Hope Community Church, 1806 Harrisburg Avenue, Mount Joy.

The banquet this year will have a book shop and coffee house feel with plenty of homemade food, delicious desserts, and of course, coffee!  Following dinner, we will enjoy worship, pictures from Ghana, updates on what God has been doing through Arm of Hope, and a special message from our Ghanaian missionary, Philip Darko.

The first purpose of this banquet is to thank you for your ongoing support of all that God is doing in the lives of children in the slums of Accra, Ghana.  That is why your ticket is absolutely free!  We want you to come celebrate how good our God is with us!  The second purpose of this banquet is to g   ive more people the opportunity to be a part of God’s work as He changes the hearts and lives of children sponsored through Arm of Hope.  That is why we will be giving everyone at the banquet an opportunity to pray about joining in God’s amazing plan for the children He loves in Ghana.

Here’s how you can be involved.

1.  Come to the banquet!  Get your ticket as soon as possible, and put October 28 on your calendar!

2.   Sponsor a table.  You can help to make this night possible by being a personal or business sponsor and giving $200 to cover the cost for a table of 8 people.  Businesses will be listed in our program and will also be acknowledged on the tables.

3.   Host a table.  Consider hosting a table and inviting 8 friends (including yourself and your family) to join you for dinner.  Inviting someone who has never partnered with Arm of Hope is one way that you can continue to help change lives in Ghana.

4. Pray for Philip and Hannah Darko.  Philip is going to renew his 5 year visa very soon and is hoping to acquire a visa for his wife, Hannah, as well.  Please pray that God will grant them favor in their interview at the embassy, so they can travel here for the banquet together!  Though visa procedures can be challenging, we know our God is bigger than all these details, so please join us in asking Him to do this!

Thank you for your ongoing prayers and support of Arm of Hope.  It is an amazing privilege to serve with you all.  Please contact us at to be a part of the Arm of Hope banquet coming up soon!

Cheryl Zimmerman

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