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Aug 2017

Campfire Extravaganza!

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Every year at camp we try to balance a repetition of traditions that we look forward to each year and a mix of new and exciting things for the kids to enjoy.

This year we brought the S’MORE to Ghana with a CAMPFIRE EXTRAVAGANZA on our last night!  We did a brief explanation on how to make a s’more, but the kids caught on fast, and I think this treat has now come to Ghana to stay!

Our extravaganza consisted of a huge bonfire in the middle of the football field and 4 small fires in the corners.  Color teams gathered around the small fires for roasting their marshmallows.

The big bonfire in the middle was danced around until late into the evening when everyone was sadly made to go to bed.

There was lots of drumming, and singing, and music, and dancing and joy!  I thoroughly enjoyed watching the campers celebrate and be so happy!

Who knows?  The bonfire may just become one of those annual traditions that we look forward to year after year.

I’m pretty sure that a repeat will be warmly welcomed!  What a great way to end a great week of camp!

Cheryl Zimmerman

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