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Aug 2017

Meet Marigold!

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I would love to introduce you to a new friend our team has made in Ghana.  Here name is Marigold Cobbina, and she is Brother Philip’s new Arm of Hope assistant.  If you were part of our first annual Arm of Hope banquet last October, you will remember that we specifically raised funds to hire a female assistant to work alongside our missionary partner, Philip Darko to disciple the many girls who are sponsored through Arm of Hope.  The answer to those prayers and the resources you shared is Marigold!

Our team has very much enjoyed getting to know Marigold over the past week.  Before even being asked, she jumped right in and helped with all the organizing of supplies and other preparations needed for camp to begin.  She then took on the role of leader of the “green team” last week, and not only had a great time, but also led her team to victory as the winning team of the week!

Last weekend we headed to the beach, as well as the slave castle in Cape Coast, and Kakum Park with the swinging bridges high above the rainforest.  It was Marigold’s first time on the bridges, but she was completely brave and successfully lived through the entire adventure (as did the rest of the team).

Marigold is 24 years old and has grown up right here in Accra in a Christian home with her parents and sisters.  She recently graduated from the University of Ghana with a degree in social work.  She has volunteered in many different ways in the past including working to provide clothing for children, participating in hygiene education, and working with mentorship and sponsorship programs to benefit children in need.

Every since she was in 4th grade and participated in a school project that opened her eyes to the plight of vulnerable children, Marigold has felt God calling her to minister to those in need.  Besides that, she has grown up with many friends and neighbors around her who are orphans or have only one parent raising them.  Many of them were suffering, and seeing their pain really impacted Marigold’s heart as she realized how unfair life is to many children in need.

Initially, Marigold thought she might like to be a lawyer so she could fight for the injustices of those who are suffering in Ghana, but she decided to instead pursue social work as it will give her more opportunities to work one on one with those God brings into her life through her career.  As a Christian, Marigold’s desire is to serve in a profession that helps others instead of just working for herself and her own desires.

Marigold’s duties include attending Arm of Hope Bible Club every Sunday and helping with the children.  She said that she has always wanted to teach a Sunday School class but felt that she might not have the spiritual knowledge to do so.  Now God has put her in a position to participate in teaching young people every week!  Marigold also visits the schools of the children sponsored through Arm of Hope to check on their progress, mentor them, and make sure they are attending regularly.  She will also begin home studies in the near future so that she can meet with families and learn how to best help each child.  Marigold does administrative work for Arm of Hope as well, and  works with the residents here at the Echoing Hills facility in her spare time.

Marigold loves seeing lives changed, and she enjoys being a part of what God is doing.  She has also seen herself grow in her relationship with the Lord as she has worked alongside the ministry partners here at the Echoing Hills facility.  Marigold loves children and wants to impact their lives for Christ.

While we were speaking, Marigold told me a story of how on two different occasions she has had someone share a prophecy over her life.  The first time, they prophesied that she would work with lots of children one day.  The second time, it was prophesied that she would work with lots of white people.  And here we are!

Cheryl Zimmerman

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