Join us for the annual Arm of Hope 5K and Chicken BBQ! To find out more
Jul 2017

Countdown: 2…

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2!  I can’t believe we leave in 2 days.  The very last camp supplies are being packed even as we speak.  The last minute shopping has been done.  Gifts and letters for sponsored children have been received.  Now all we have to do is…LEAVE!  Yay!

Today I’d like to share the third purpose of our trip.  Previously I mentioned to you our desire to be effective and supportive partners to the missionaries in Ghana.  I also told you about our primary purpose of sharing the Gospel effectively with the children at camp.  Our third purpose of this trip is to build relationships.

Many of the children coming to camp are from broken families.  Often one or both parents are no longer with the family due to separation, polygamy, or death.  Life in the slum community is very challenging and has a lot of painful things about it.  Most days are spent trying to provide the necessary ingredients to sustain a family like food, clothing, shelter, water, medical care, and education.

In spite of the obstacles these children face, the arrive at camp with beautiful smiles on their face ready to fully participate in the many activities planned.  This gives us as a team the amazing privilege of listening to these children, discipling them, praying for them, and lavishing them with encouragement.  This is all done in the context of sharing Jesus through our words and actions at all times.

A few years back, I was challenged to truly “see” people around me.  I don’t want to see a mass of 4oo plus kids.  I don’t want to see teams and groups.   I want to truly “see” children around me made by God – in His image and for His glory.

Pray for our team that as we spend time with the children at camp we will truly have opportunities to build into their lives, to disciple them, and to help them see the value and potential they have in Christ.

Cheryl Zimmerman

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