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Jul 2017

Countdown: 3…

Posted in Prayer Requests and tagged: ,



After months of preparation, it’s almost impossible to believe that we leave in three days.  It’s like a dream…a very good dream, of course!

Today I have the most important prayer request of all.  Our main purpose while in Ghana is to share the Gospel with the children at camp.  The older I get, the more I realize how much I have to train myself to not think the way I was taught as a child with so much focus being on ME accepting Christ, ME pleasing Jesus, and ME doing things for Him.  If my focus is on HIM and what He has done, all of these other things will naturally follow.

In order for us to effectively share with these children who Jesus is, we as a team need to have a clear understanding in our own lives about who Jesus is to us. When we really understand how Christ has accepted us, our only response it to surrender to Him.

Pray today that as a team, our sense of the Gospel in our own lives will be so evident that it can’t help but spill out to the children at camp.  Pray that our need for Jesus in our own lives will be an example to the children and will be so attractive that it leads them to desire to follow Him with their whole hearts.

This song by Ryan Stevenson that’s been playing on the radio recently has been running through my head, especially the line in the middle where they say,

“The amazing news of the Gospel is not that we can receive Jesus into our own lives, but that He has already received us into His.”

And this is probably my most favorite song currently that we sing at church by Elevation.  What an amazing thought that we have been chosen as a team to declare Christ to the children at camp!

Thanks for praying for us again today and you worship with these songs!  Your support is appreciated more than we can express!

Cheryl Zimmerman

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