Join us for the annual Arm of Hope 5K and Chicken BBQ! To find out more
Jul 2017

Countdown: 5, 4…

Posted in Prayer Requests and tagged: ,


Yesterday our team was commissioned at Hope Community Church and then we had our final, family picnic before we leave.  Wow!  The days are flying by!


As we prepare to leave, it usually becomes very evident that we have an enemy that does not want us to go and share Jesus with others.

This usually exemplifies itself through discouragement, lack of confidence, frustrations, things not working as they should, issues in relationships, selfishness, projects taking longer than expected, and more.

Today, please pray against Satan and all that he would love to do to mess up the plans God has for this trip.  Pray that in Jesus’ name, he will be defeated so that God will receive all the glory for what He is about to do through the camp.

We know that the one in us is so much greater than the one who is in the world!  (1 John 4:4)

Cheryl Zimmerman

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