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Jul 2017

Prayer Countdown: 7…

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7 days!

One week!

This morning my son reminded me that in exactly one week, we will be in the car and driving to the airport in New York.

Tonight at dinner my husband reminded me that in exactly one week, we will be in the air and on our way!

Our flight is scheduled to leave next Friday, July 28, at 5:35 p.m.

Today I’d like to ask you to pray for our families.  Everyone on our team is leaving someone behind:  a wife, a grandmother they are caring for, young children.  Leaving people we care about and are responsible for, and traveling half way around the world, can be tough.

Pray for the young children who will be left at home while parents travel to Ghana.  Thank God for their caregivers, and pray that God will give them an extra measure of strength, patience, and love.  Pray for schedules and calendars and details that have to be worked out, so we can have our houses in order by next Friday.  Pray for our families – that they will be filled with peace and joy as we leave, and that they will realize that those serving at home are just as important to the kingdom work God is doing in Ghana as those who are going to the camp.

We could never do what God has called us to do without the support of everyone back home cheering us on, lifting us up, and lending their help.

If you are one of those people – thank you!  Know that you are making an eternal difference no matter how small the support may be.  Every dollar, every encouraging word, and every prayer are part of our Ghana camp team!

Cheryl Zimmerman

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