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Today is June 28.

We fly on July 28.

How can this be?

Meetings, emails, texts, purchases, fundraising, planning, planning, planning, praying, praying, praying…

And then…the day comes when it’s only one month till take off!

It’s a surreal feeling.  I remember it from every other year.  It’s the time when the planning and work starts to pay off and the reward is in sight.  The reward, of course, is more work, but work of a different kind.  It’s the kind of work where you find yourself in the middle of that special place that’s exactly where you want to be.

It’s a place of smiles.

It’s a place of listening.

It’s a place of relationships.

It’s a place of genuine love.

It’s a place full of Jesus.

And to serve Him makes everything worthwhile.

Who cares if we gave up money, and vacation, and time, and sleep, and comfort?

Really…what else would we rather spend our time doing than this?

Because as my son learned from a mentor of his this past year,

“You will never regret saying ‘no’ to yourself and ‘yes’ to Jesus”.

And that is the TRUTH.

Cheryl Zimmerman

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